2022年4月7日 星期四

e等公務園解答-世界之最 金氏世界紀錄大蒐奇

 1. The sun _____ strongly and made my eyes hurt.

  1. pasted
  2. included
  3. copied
  4. shone
2. It will take me some time _____ my homework.
  1. be done
  2. did
  3. to do
  4. done
3. Pete’s company _____ its shows through the radio.
  1. measures
  2. succeeds
  3. disappears
  4. broadcasts
4. Tina wanted her room to be _____, so she painted the walls yellow.
  1. skinny
  2. middle
  3. colorful
  4. ancient
5. The store sells everything _____ big cakes to small toys for children.
  1. behind
  2. before
  3. in
  4. from
6. Our teacher gives us too much homework. _____, he doesn’t give us enough time to do it.
  1. For example
  2. Luckily
  3. All in all
  4. What’s more
7. My homework _____ me too much time, so I don’t have time to sleep.
  1. cost
  2. took
  3. glued
  4. break
8. You ran so fast. You set a new school _____!
  1. gram
  2. vote
  3. record
  4. season
9. Irene and her friends drank _____ and ate snacks while they watched the movie.
  1. beer
  2. carrots
  3. steaks
  4. popcorn
10. Rosie spends all her time _____ her phone, not doing her homework..
  1. on
  2. in
  3. of
  4. to

