2021年5月26日 星期三

e等公務園解答-第2課:人物訪談(The Interview)

 1. Don't forget to __ sugar to the lemonade.

  1. (A) plus
  2. (B) divide
  3. (C) add
  4. (D) minus
2. Baseball __ people of all ages.
  1. (A) brings together
  2. (B) makes fun of
  3. (C) looks after
  4. (D) puts together
3. People say you need a college __ to get a good job.
  1. (A) camp
  2. (B) meeting
  3. (C) education
  4. (D) tour
4. The students will __ a party to celebrate Professor Brown's birthday.
  1. (A) make
  2. (B) open
  3. (C) hold
  4. (D) get
5. You can take part in a lot of __ at school.
  1. (A) accidents
  2. (B) activities
  3. (C) advertisements
  4. (D) articles
6. A chef's __ in the restaurant is to cook food.
  1. (A) idea
  2. (B) art
  3. (C) pain
  4. (D) role
7. Sam just came up with a __ idea.
  1. (A) fake
  2. (B) wonderful
  3. (C) delicious
  4. (D) nervous
8. My dream is to travel __ the world some day.
  1. (A) all over
  2. (B) away from
  3. (C) ahead of
  4. (D) across from
9. These events __ a great opportunity for students to learn about the world.
  1. (A) find
  2. (B) provide
  3. (C) prepare
  4. (D) plan
10. My mother was __ to be asked to sing at the party.
  1. (A) exhausted
  2. (B) honored
  3. (C) disappointed
  4. (D) bored

