2021年5月26日 星期三


 1. 若有外國民眾前來公務單位,公務員要如何主動詢問他?

  1. Please take a number slip.
  2. May I know which division/department you are looking for?
  3. Hi! How may I help you?
  4. I am sorry but I am afraid you are in the wrong division/department.
2. 公務員在溝通時,要顧慮到賓客的需求與想法,不必堅守自身原則。
3. 如果外國民眾詢問該如何填寫表格,公務員可以說:Please fill out your name here and tell why did you want to live here.
4. 若公務員接聽到外國民眾的電話,可以如何回應?
  1. Hello, this is Department of Administrative and International Affairs. How may I help you?
  2. Hello, here is Department of Administrative and International Affairs. Where may I help you?
  3. Hello, this is Department of Administrative and International Affairs. Anything you need help?
  4. Hello, this is Department of Administrative and International Affairs. What help do you need?
5. 下列關於公務員向外國民眾介紹周遭環境的回應,何者正確?
  1. There is a Youth Bookstore near the City Hall.
  2. Zhongxiao Night Market is in the neighborhood.
  3. You can also take a stroll around Sanduo Shopping District.
  4. 以上皆是
6. 在SMART說話力中,M是指方法,公務員要瞭解說話的目的,掌握主題。
7. 外國民眾打電話報案表明遺失錢包,公務員應該要詢問:May I know where you lost your wallet?
  1. .
8. 在SMART說話力中,T是指主題,代表公務員要就聽者的立場與說話目的,思考適合的方式。
9. 若要對外國民眾說明如何到達社會局,公務員可以這樣說:Please go direct in the corridor. Take the elevator to the 9th floor. The Social Affairs Bureau is in the 9th floor.
10. 若要向外國民眾說明可以到哪裡用餐,公務員可以這樣說:If you are hungry, you can have a meal in the food court on the 11th floor.

