2023年1月18日 星期三

e等公務園解答-世界之最 金氏世界紀錄大蒐奇

 1. The sun _____ strongly and made my eyes hurt.

  1. pasted
  2. included
  3. copied
  4. shone
2. It will take me some time _____ my homework.
  1. be done
  2. did
  3. to do
  4. done
3. Tina wanted her room to be _____, so she painted the walls yellow.
  1. skinny
  2. middle
  3. colorful
  4. ancient
4. My homework _____ me too much time, so I don’t have time to sleep.
  1. cost
  2. took
  3. glued
  4. break
5. Pete’s company _____ its shows through the radio.
  1. measures
  2. succeeds
  3. disappears
  4. broadcasts
6. Irene and her friends drank _____ and ate snacks while they watched the movie.
  1. beer
  2. carrots
  3. steaks
  4. popcorn
7. The store sells everything _____ big cakes to small toys for children.
  1. behind
  2. before
  3. in
  4. from
8. You ran so fast. You set a new school _____!
  1. gram
  2. vote
  3. record
  4. season
9. Our teacher gives us too much homework. _____, he doesn’t give us enough time to do it.
  1. For example
  2. Luckily
  3. All in all
  4. What’s more
10. Rosie spends all her time _____ her phone, not doing her homework..
  1. on
  2. in
  3. of
  4. to


 1. The children were _____, so their mother gave them something to drink.

  1. thirsty
  2. popular
  3. yummy
  4. wrong
2. This road is very _____. Two cars can’t drive on it at the same time.
  1. narrow
  2. famous
  3. enough
  4. large
3. After he got lost, Ben gave _____ looking for the restaurant and went home.
  1. up
  2. down
  3. left
  4. right
4. Please pick your garbage _____.
  1. down
  2. in
  3. on
  4. up
5. Marta wants to swim in the _____, but the water is too cold.
  1. blanket
  2. river
  3. closet
  4. street
6. I’m looking _____ some new running shoes today.
  1. up
  2. for
  3. between
  4. of
7. Should I buy the red dress or the blue one? I can’t _____.
  1. survive
  2. create
  3. decide
  4. argue
8. To tie his shoe, Neil put one foot on the floor and _____ foot on a chair.
  1. the others
  2. the other
  3. other
  4. others
9. It’s your sister’s _____ to play the game now, Ken.
  1. mind
  2. neck
  3. head
  4. turn
10. Please _____ your shoes before you come into the house.
  1. catch up
  2. wake up
  3. take off
  4. fly off


 1. _____ I save enough money, I’m going to buy a new phone.

  1. During
  2. Then
  3. Once
  4. While

2. Timothy is such a(n) _____ boy; he always says “please” and “thank you.”
  1. polite
  2. important
  3. careless
  4. silent
3. I want to _____ my dog quiet; it barks at everything!
  1. allow
  2. land
  3. keep
  4. stay
4. Harriet is very smart. _____, she’s the smartest student in my school.
  1. By no means
  2. Since then
  3. On time
  4. In fact
5. David, please don’t _____ that toy soldier at your sister’s face.
  1. point
  2. spread
  3. deliver
  4. invent
6. The students _____ to run when the teacher shouted, “Go!”
  1. obeyed
  2. guessed
  3. respected
  4. began
7. Jack’s mother keeps the cookies _____ sight so Jack won’t ask for them
  1. at first
  2. out of
  3. into
  4. away
8. George _____ a break from working to drink a glass of water.
  1. carried
  2. took
  3. left
  4. entered
9. Karen dressed _____ old clothes to clean the bathroom.
  1. in
  2. on
  3. at
  4. under
10. Are you _____ with this book? If so, can I read it?
  1. excited
  2. done
  3. interested
  4. sick

2023年1月17日 星期二


 1. 大部分的衛星都在下列哪個高度以上運行?

  1. 300km
  2. 400km
  3. 500km
  4. 600km
2. 試問黃道面的改變週期為何?
  1. 26000年
  2. 27000年
  3. 28000年
  4. 29000年
3. 於1957年,前蘇聯發明的第一個人造衛星為何?
  1. Sputnik1
  2. Sputnik11
  3. Landsat-1
  4. Worldview
4. 試問中軌衛星通常用於下列何種功能?
  1. 照相
  2. GPS
  3. 通訊
  4. 氣象
5. 試問章動會影響地球內部的何種現象?
  1. 颱風
  2. 火山
  3. 潮汐
  4. 地震
6. 下列何者不會影響地球的自轉?
  1. 章動
  2. 極移
  3. 歲差
  4. 公轉
7. 試問觀測宇宙需要用衛星來進行觀測?
  1. 技術所逼
  2. 範圍廣闊
  3. 時間快速
  4. 方便記錄
8. 下列何者不是地球的變動?
  1. 自體旋轉
  2. 潮汐活動
  3. 板塊運動
  4. 天氣變化
9. 下列哪個衛星沒有辦法拍到街景?
  1. Landst1-8
  2. 福衛2/5
  3. SPOT1-7
  4. SAR
10. 下列何者不屬於透過衛星觀測觀察到的現象?
  1. 伊利湖藻華
  2. 珊瑚礁白化
  3. 青藏水文變化
  4. 湄公河變遷

e等公務園解答-善用行事曆 時間管理好效率

 1. Can you help me _____ my dog when I’m away?

  1. from
  2. with
  3. between
  4. along
2. Please _____ you finish your homework before you go to sleep.
  1. wait for
  2. tidy up
  3. make sure
  4. keep away
3. Please _____ to the teacher, or you will not hear the test questions.
  1. talk back
  2. look forward
  3. take care
  4. pay attention
4. We should _____ before we make any decisions.
  1. think ahead
  2. worry about
  3. listen to
  4. call on
5. Put your phone away _____ you’re studying.
  1. so
  2. but
  3. after
  4. while
6. My friend is coming to my house, so I’ll _____ by cleaning my room.
  1. forgive
  2. forward
  3. present
  4. prepare
7. It’s very _____ to stay healthy so you can live a long life.
  1. straight
  2. important
  3. central
  4. famous
8. This _____ on my phone can help me finish my work quickly.
  1. piece
  2. program
  3. play
  4. plan
9. Jenny wrote “English test” on her _____ next week so she won’t forget about it.
  1. calendar
  2. memory
  3. customer
  4. method
10. Please _____ here and wait. I’ll come back soon.
  1. spend
  2. film
  3. stay
  4. rain


 1. Some of my friends wanted Korean food, but most people _____ for Japanese food.

  1. tied
  2. lifted
  3. voted
  4. formed
2. I learned many interesting _____ about animals in this book.
  1. saucers
  2. tanks
  3. ropes
  4. facts
3. The news _____ quickly and soon everyone knew it.
  1. strike
  2. spread
  3. solved
  4. served
4. Greg told a funny _____ and everyone laughed.
  1. joke
  2. role
  3. nail
  4. edge
5. Sean wasn’t in class today, but he _____ be back tomorrow.
  1. won’t
  2. did
  3. mustn’t
  4. might
6. Some people say ghosts are _____, but others don’t believe in them.
  1. real
  2. true
  3. tall
  4. rare
7. The story about Kelly in the newspaper really makes her _____ bad.
  1. look
  2. looked
  3. looking
  4. looks
8. Rhea always _____ her secrets with her best friend Jenny.
  1. lends
  2. joins
  4. ruins
9. Selma thinks I took her money, but it’s not _____.
  1. scared
  2. true
  3. normal
  4. windy
10. Thanks to the Internet, it’s easy to learn new things _____.
  1. this day
  2. that day
  3. these days
  4. those days

e等公務園解答-饗冰果 逛古蹟 花蓮新城小鎮巡禮

 1. The center of this city has many large office _____.

  1. buildings
  2. conversations
  3. museums
  4. patterns
2. My classmates ate all the snacks, _____ my cookies.
  1. including
  2. is included
  3. include
  4. includes
3. I took care of Lisa’s _____ by watering them every day.
  1. cookies
  2. judges
  3. plants
  4. topics
4. George’s hair looked bad, so he _____ it with a hat.
  1. worried
  2. covered
  3. judged
  4. started
5. Kayla can _____ two languages: English and Chinese.
  1. speak
  2. speaking
  3. spoken
  4. to speak
6. I love this movie a lot because it’s _____ to me.
  1. boring
  2. bored
  3. interesting
  4. interested
7. Claudia parked her bike _____, so it fell down.
  1. in the middle
  2. with one chair
  3. back to the door
  4. at an angle
8. Look at that basketball player. He is _____ 200 centimeters tall!
  1. into
  2. against
  3. until
  4. over
9. Tracy had a glass of apple _____ with her lunch.
  1. juice
  2. straw
  3. wood
  4. floor
10. _____! My mother made my favorite kind of cake!
  1. Oops
  2. Ouch
  3. Yum
  4. Yuck


 1. I don’t have much money, but _____ I’m happy.

  1. for example
  2. in time
  3. at first
  4. at least
2. _____ Edward. He is coming down the stairs.
  1. Here are
  2. There are
  3. Here is
  4. There is
3. Samantha _____ on the long trip to her grandma’s house.
  1. got into
  2. set off
  3. heard of
  4. put away
4. Joe was in the bathroom for _____. Is he sick?
  1. ages
  2. seconds
  3. uses
  4. excuses
5. Swimming _____ a great way to stay healthy.
  1. are
  2. does
  3. were
  4. is
6. Tom _____ his piano lesson yesterday because he was sick.
  1. missed
  2. brought
  3. kicked
  4. caught
7. We’re almost there. We need to _____ the bus at the next stop.
  1. get off
  2. eat up
  3. put off
  4. make up
8. It wasn’t very nice _____ Chris to be late for the party.
  1. for
  2. of
  3. with
  4. along
9. Karen’s mom cried when she _____ Karen _____ at the airport.
  1. looked; up
  2. wrote; down
  3. saw; off
  4. tried; on
10. David and Lisa _____ before the airplane took off. They didn’t miss their flight.
  1. arrived at
  2. talked about
  3. looked at
  4. checked in

e等公務園解答-新年好運到 各國跨年特色習俗

 1. Is it easy _____ Eva to get good grades on English tests?

  1. along
  2. between
  3. for
  4. with
2. Nora goes jogging at the park _____ 7:30 a.m. every day.
  1. at
  2. in
  3. on
  4. during
3. Getting good grades on English tests _____ easy for Eva.
  1. is
  2. are
  3. were
  4. has
4. Taking a trip to Japan is a _____ in my family. We go there every spring.
  1. potato
  2. mosquito
  3. present
  4. tradition
5. Jamie _____ a picture of her favorite movie star on the wall in her room.
  1. hung
  2. handed
  3. paid
  4. planned
6. The strange weather _____ with the typhoon.
  1. makes fun of
  2. has to do
  3. stays in touch
  4. breaks it down
7. When Cindy heard the _____ from the door, she was cooking dinner in the kitchen.
  1. rose
  2. ring
  3. teacher
  4. table
8. We _____ George’s birthday with a party and a cake.
  1. covered
  2. celebrated
  3. ruled
  4. rolled
9. Marilyn _____ the ball to Donna during the basketball game.
  1. arrived
  2. appeared
  3. touched
  4. threw..

10. I got many gifts from my friends _____ my birthday.
  1. about
  2. at
  3. in
  4. on

e等公務園解答-奶茶控看過來 世界特色奶茶巡禮

 1. I thought the test would be hard, but it wasn’t hard _____.

  1. at all
  2. in total
  3. for example
  4. on time
2. My kid almost ran into the street! Thank you for stopping him and keeping him _____!
  1. be safe
  2. to be safe
  3. safe
  4. being safe
3. Karen ran around outside to burn _____, so she would go to sleep easily.
  1. energy
  2. buildings
  3. pajamas
  4. shower
4. There are many _____ dresses at this store. I want to try on the pink one!
  1. boring
  2. serious
  3. polite
  4. different
5. This ice will _____ your water cold on a hot day.
  1. help
  2. allow
  3. let
  4. keep
6. One _____ place in Paris is the Louvre Museum.
  1. personal
  2. careful
  3. famous
  4. bored
7. This stationery shop sells paper, pens, pencils, _____.
  1. from now on
  2. and so on
  3. on and on
  4. on and off
8. The _____ of this orange is sweet. It’s delicious!
  1. taste
  2. internet
  3. tool
  4. plan
9. Polly loves cartoons _____ Doraemon and One Piece.
  1. as
  2. like
  3. over
  4. by
10. A new student _____ to my class today. I was happy to meet him!
  1. read on
  2. gave in
  3. showed up
  4. turned off


 1. 北極冰塊融化造成海平面上升這說法,其先決條件是該為存在陸地上的冰塊才得以成立。

2. 破冰船的體積是一般研究船5倍大。
3. 下列何者並非北極上的生物?
  1. 企鵝
  2. 鯨魚
  3. 海豹
  4. 以上皆非
4. 破冰船前頭是屬於尖狀。
5. 我們可以透過動物的耳石了解他過去生存環境。


 1. 哪些是兒童有接受適當資訊的權利?

  1. 閱聽權
  2. 傳播權
  3. 資訊權
  4. 發展權
2. 兒童出生後應辦理登記,取得姓名和國籍,並且知曉其父母的身分。
3. 兒童擁有在健康條件下成長和發展的權利,凡是有礙兒童身心健康的不利因素,都應設法排除。
4. 每一個兒童都是不同而獨立的個體,都擁有自己的權利和尊嚴,應受到尊重與保護。
5. 任何人對於兒童為強制性交或猥褻,或對於未滿幾歲之人為合意性交或猥褻者,即構成性侵害犯罪,需依「性侵害犯罪防治法」及「兒童及少年福利與權益保障法」進行通報?
  1. 14歲
  2. 15歲
  3. 16歲
  4. 17歲
6. 造成兒童發展遲緩的原因很多,大多數成因仍不明。
7. 兒童人權的類型,就「本質」而言涵蓋哪些?
  1. 兒童基本權利
  2. 兒童特殊權利
  3. 生存的權利
  4. 發展的權利
8. 兒童權利(children's right)是隸屬於人權的主體,承認兒童是適用人權與人權法令的一個群體。
9. 聯合國在1989年11月20日通過「兒童權利公約」,此公約是重要的國際兒童人權法典,至今全球共有幾個締約國家、地區批准或加入。
  1. 195個
  2. 196個
  3. 197個
  4. 198個
10. 兒童及少年福利與權益保障法—總則第13條(108/4/24修正),中央衛生主管機關應進行幾歲以下兒童死亡原因回溯分析,並定期公布分析結果?
  1. 5歲
  2. 6歲
  3. 7歲
  4. 8歲


 1. 目睹家庭暴力兒少也是家暴的受害者,下列何者為家暴對目睹兒少的影響?

  1. 在學校變得不專心或注意力無法集中
  2. 經常會莫名地發脾氣
  3. 開始出現異常行為,例:和同學打架、偷竊
  4. 以上皆是
2. 依《家庭暴力防治法》中所規範的家庭成員,下列何者有誤?
  1. 配偶或前配偶
  2. 直系血親或直系姻親
  3. 同居關係
  4. 五等親以內之旁系血親
3. 下列哪些是家庭暴力常見的迷思?
  1. 施暴者多為男性,受害者多為女性
  2. 施暴者一定長相兇惡、學歷低、收入少
  3. 酒精並不是造成家暴的原因,不能作為施暴的藉口
  4. 被害人一定本身就有受虐傾向,才會長期與暴力共存
4. 有關性騷擾與性侵害的敘述,何者正確?
  1. 「性」是個人很隱私的事,若被害人要向你訴說被害經歷,應該立刻阻止他
  2. 為保全證據,應該在第一時間與被害人討論性侵害發生的過程
  3. 即使是在自己家中,也可能發生性侵害事件
  4. 取笑別人是娘娘腔、男人婆也算是性騷擾
5. 有關性侵害的敘述,何者正確?
  1. 性侵害行為人通常長相兇惡、社經地位較低
  2. 性侵害發生時常伴隨其他暴力形式,造成被害人不敢或不能反抗
  3. 即使是家裡的長輩或同住的親屬,都有可能對自已家人進行性侵害
  4. 只有在晚上且人煙稀少的地方才有可能發生性侵害
6. 若發現鄰居遭受家庭暴力的危害,可協助他撥打哪個專線通報?
  1. 1957
  2. 1922
  3. 113
  4. 1966
7. 夫妻、男女朋友之間不可能發生性侵害犯罪。
8. 下列有關性別暴力的敘述,何者錯誤?
  1. 性別暴力只會發生在少數人身上,且通常只有穿著暴露、私生活混亂的女性才會遭到性別暴力
  2. 夫妻之間,若其中一方強制發生性關係,並不算在性別暴力的範疇中
  3. 3. 性別暴力是以「性別」為基礎的暴力行為
  4. 小至家庭、社區,大至機構組織、國家、文化情境,都是性別暴力發生的場域
9. 有關性騷擾的敘述,以下何者錯誤?
  1. 異性或同性之間都有可能發生
  2. 帶有性別歧視的言論或態度,侮辱特定性別,也算是性騷擾
  3. 展示或傳閱色情圖片或文字並不屬於性騷擾
  4. 男女都可能是騷擾者或被騷擾者
10. 下列敘述何者錯誤?
  1. 沉默的人們也是暴力施行的共犯
  2. 男性受暴比例逐年上升,性別平等觀念的普及下,越來越多男性願意說出自己受暴的事實
  3. 無論男女,都是「113保護專線」的服務對象
  4. 共同居住生活的同性伴侶非我國家庭暴力防治法保護的對象