2023年1月17日 星期二

e等公務園解答-饗冰果 逛古蹟 花蓮新城小鎮巡禮

 1. The center of this city has many large office _____.

  1. buildings
  2. conversations
  3. museums
  4. patterns
2. My classmates ate all the snacks, _____ my cookies.
  1. including
  2. is included
  3. include
  4. includes
3. I took care of Lisa’s _____ by watering them every day.
  1. cookies
  2. judges
  3. plants
  4. topics
4. George’s hair looked bad, so he _____ it with a hat.
  1. worried
  2. covered
  3. judged
  4. started
5. Kayla can _____ two languages: English and Chinese.
  1. speak
  2. speaking
  3. spoken
  4. to speak
6. I love this movie a lot because it’s _____ to me.
  1. boring
  2. bored
  3. interesting
  4. interested
7. Claudia parked her bike _____, so it fell down.
  1. in the middle
  2. with one chair
  3. back to the door
  4. at an angle
8. Look at that basketball player. He is _____ 200 centimeters tall!
  1. into
  2. against
  3. until
  4. over
9. Tracy had a glass of apple _____ with her lunch.
  1. juice
  2. straw
  3. wood
  4. floor
10. _____! My mother made my favorite kind of cake!
  1. Oops
  2. Ouch
  3. Yum
  4. Yuck

