2022年3月9日 星期三

e等公務園解答-高雄特色easy talk(html5)

 1.「鹽酥雞、臭豆腐、泰式月亮蝦餅」的英文依序是「salty crispy chicken ; stinky tofu ; Thai style shrimp pancake」。

2. 當你想向外國朋友說明「傳說這個陣式是為了保護全村而組成。」時,不要用下列哪個句型呢?
  1. There is a legend
  2. Legend has it
  3. It is rumored
  4. According to the legend
3. 當你的朋友拿著手上的珍珠奶茶,詢問它的組成材料時,你該怎麼說呢?
  1. Pearl milk tea included tapioca, water, and sugar
  2. Pearl milk tea consists of tapioca, water, and sugar
  3. Pearl milk tea is tapioca, water, and sugar
  4. Pearl milk tea contain of tapioca, water, and sugar
4. 當你帶著外國朋友到廟裡抽籤時,可以用英文「fortune poems」來說明「籤詩」。
5. 在高雄的四座宗教建築中,請問哪一座宗教建築最古老呢?
  1. the new Confucious Temple in Lotus Pond
  2. the Catholic church, Rose Basilica on Wufu Road
  3. Tianhou Temple of Cijin
  4. Wude Martial Arts Center in Gushan District
6. 當你讚嘆於眼前美景時,該如何用英文表達「這(景色)真是令人驚豔!」呢?
  1. It's pretty
  2. That is out of my mind
  3. This is stunning
  4. It's good-looking
7. 當你問候久未見面的外國朋友「最近過得好嗎?」,可以用下列哪一句問候語呢?
  1. How have you been?
  2. How do you do?
  3. How has you been?
  4. What's going on?
8. 當你帶領外國友人觀賞宋江陣表演活動時,可以跑入陣中或穿越陣式,以招來好運。
9. 當你想向外國朋友說明「高雄以前是以漁業而聞名。」時,可以說「Kaoshiung was famous for its fishing industry. 」。
10. 請問下列哪一項不屬於客家文化特色呢?
  1. Lei Cha
  2. Jing-Zi Ting
  3. pearl milk tea
  4. oil-paper umbrella

