2022年3月9日 星期三


 1. 請選出與「The result of the voting is: 6 members are in favor and 2 are opposed. 」相符的敘述。

  1. 6位出席,2位請假。
  2. 6位請假,2位出席。
  3. 反對者6人,贊成者2人。
  4. 贊成者6人,反對者2人
2. 「出差」的英文為下列何者?
  1. leave under business errands
  2. absent with apologies
  3. meeting room
  4. to be on a business trip
3. 「贊成者請舉手」的英文為「Those opposed, please raise your hand.」
4. 「討論」的英文為下列何者?
  1. appoint
  2. report
  3. disagree
  4. discuss
5. 想表示同意時,可以說「I'm afraid I can't agree with you.」
6. 聽到「Now, it is time for extempore motion. 」時,表示會議將進入哪個環節?
  1. 臨時動議
  2. 投票
  3. 宣讀會議紀錄
  4. 報告出席人數
7. 想請問大家是否有任何建議時,可以說:「Are there any suggestions? 」
8. 若會議討論過程有離題的狀況發生,主席應該怎麼應對?
  1. We are running out of time. Please keep your point brief.
  2. I am sorry for the interruption. But, we are slightly out of topic now.
  3. I suggest we recess for 10 minutes.
  4. I'd like to support his remarks.
9. 當主席說「The meeting will come to an order. 」,代表會議正式開始。
10. 「會議紀錄照所發送的內容通過。」應該怎麼說?
  1. The minutes stand approved as read.
  2. The minutes are approved as corrected.
  3. The minutes are approved as distributed.
  4. Go over the previous meeting minutes.

